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Global Warming Project
A website about raising the global warming awareness. The site begins with explanations about global warming evidence and continues on to explain the effects of global warming in an attempt to push people to act.
see web prototype video here below.

Montserrat font
A promotion to the font Montserrat by Julieta Ulanovsky.
The website shows the origin that inspired the designer to create the Montserrat font and exemplary uses of the font.
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Alright, still / Lily Allen music album
A website to the music album "Alright Still" by Lily Allen.
The website is built of mini-games that bring the hidden meanings of each song to life.
Every song in the album is objectified as a box that once opened brings the user to a game.
Made in a collaboration with Danielle Cohen
see the website prototype video here below.
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A website for Helping stray cats.
A humorous way to introduce the neighborhood's cats through personification.
Donators are informed about what the donation amount can be used for.
see the website prototype video here below. provides state-of-the-art speech recognition algorithms alongside effective UX to significantly improve conversational overview, insight generation, and compliance validation.
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