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Final project "Eretz Bar" -
Wild Israeli animals
adoption App
My project focuses on endangered Israeli animals. The wildlife in the country is becoming extinct at a rapid rate due to many factors, especially human activity, I believe that if people were emotionally attached to animals they would be more willing to preserve the natural environment of the animals rather than harm them. The "Eretz Bar" app allows you to adopt real wildlife found in the wild. Since it is not possible to adopt wildlife like pets I chose to create a virtual adoption experience through tracking means such as gps and live broadcast cameras. Through the app one can learn about wild animals' life events and understand how we can help or prevent their extinction.
here you can find the user journey Explanation video

Owheely -
London Accessibility App
Owheely is an application who gives those with mobility impairments more independence. 

The app calendar will guide and help people with disabilities. plan a trip to London much easier, with accessible activities and relevant information.
Made in a collaboration with Danielle Cohen

Turn audio on to hear an explanation of the app
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